Video Marketing Strategy for your business- Ultimate Guide

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Video Marketing Strategy

Do you know 90% of information transmitted to the brain in the form of visuals and these visuals processes in the brain 60 times faster than text! In this blog, we will discuss the best and trending Video Marketing Strategy for your business. Video promotion is the best way to promote your product. Nowadays most of the big companies use video promotions ads. These ads can be shown through various social media channels like youtube, Facebook, etc

Companies like Surf Excel show their ads on a special occasion like Indian festival Holi. These ads connect with user emotions get much better results to form this video ad campaigns. Let’s see the below ad.

You can see from above ad that a boy connect both families on the occasion of Holi. This ad shares the emotional feelings and indirectly target the social issue. When user connect with ad they share this ad and the ad get more visibility in less time.

Another Video Marketing Strategy is Your Business Card

We can also build a video business card for your business. Suppose you have the meeting with a client and convening them how your business will help them to grow their business. But for that, you can take almost one hour. In this situation, we will help you by making a video business card. In this, we will make a small video of 2 to 3 minutes of your business. In that, we will show when your business starts what’s your achievement what was your business goals. Using a business card you know how to communicate with peoples emotionally and logically. By this, you can grow your business with a massive impact and also save your lots of time convincing the peoples. If you want to make your video business card just contact us.

video marketing strategy for making business card

Once your video is created you have to provide the marketing for that video. You have to publish your video on social platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. when you share your video through any social platform, you have to take care of video marketing metrics. You have to take care of the analytics of video. If your videos made for increasing your sales and make your marketing team batter, then you have to check for three matrices.

Engagement- Who watches your video and how long they watch.
When you promote your video you have to check for your audience, who are they, what are their ages, are they men or women, what are their locations. This is important if you know your audience you can directly target them and to be very specific in your messaging who are interested in your product or services. The engagement depends on how long your video watched by people. Are the people interested in video or if any portion of the video wants to update? When the people drop your video. On which social platform you post your video. At the time of posting the video you have to link your video to your website landing or product page, it could retention very well.

Consideration- Who re-watches your videos

Consider the re-watches time of the video. If the person re-watches whole or part of the video they may be interested in your product. They move into consideration the stage of your product. After analyzing the result you can build a strong foundation with your customer. Many businesses use these matrices to build a targeted email list and other targeted content.

Understanding Click-Through-Rate

Click-through rate is the number of times CTA clicked divided by several times it is viewed. Click-through rate is the number of time the customer perform Action on your video. If the CTR is low you have to reconsider your video and the call of action. May your video is not enough to convince the customer

Always consider the insights of your campaign because they will give the solutions for your business. They will show you the target audience, the location where the video performing well, or the age group who watched your video. Using these analytics you can grow your business very fast and help you to sell the product in the right way.

Video is a new and effective part of digital marketing. If you want to convince the customer through visual appearance this is the best way. We as a MasterApp Technologies will help you to make the best video for your business. With our best team to shoot the video with high-resolution cameras and edit with premium software in the market. We will give you the best suggestion for making the videos.

You can also see our Social media marketing service to promote your video through various social media channels and get more reach to the customer. If you like our article please share it and leave your valuable comments that make us improve our content.

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