Facebook Outage

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Facebook outage

Do you get a problem with Facebook (Facebook outage), Instagram, and WhatsApp social media accounts on the 4th of October 2021! Did anyone realize something goes wrong with these social media platforms? I think the answer is yes. Let’s see why this problem occurred. What was the response of Facebook? And what other social media platforms think about this Facebook outage.

Facebook Outage

On the 4th of October, most of the users of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp get a problem while using them. They see the messages did not send from WhatsApp. And the post from Facebook and Instagram was not displayed properly. This is around massive 6 hours of outage. According to Downdetector, this is the biggest Facebook outage up till now. Almost 1 corer Facebook user complains about this outage. They are facing the issue while using WhatsApp Instagram and Facebook.

In 2019 there is the same issue that impacts their most popular apps Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp that affecting their users around the world. Most of the customers do not get any results and some get the issue in watching stories and sending messages through WhatsApp. After 24 hours Facebook officially tweeted that they have downtime because of server configuration changes.

 Reply from Facebook

 After complaining by most of the people about Facebook’s unavailability on platforms like tweeter, a reply comes from Facebook’s official tweeter Handel that there is some problem with their server and need some time to fix it. In their first tweet, they don’t explain the reason behind this massive Facebook outage. Around 4 hours after the Facebook first tweet, Mike Schroepfer the Chief Technology Officer of Facebook apologized for the Facebook outage and facing network issue and fixed it as fast as possible. And 6 hours of Facebook outage facebook tweeted that they solved the issue on all of their apps online now.

Around 4 hours after the Facebook first tweet, Mike Schroepfer the Chief Technology Officer of Facebook apologized for the Facebook outage and facing network issue and fixed it as fast as possible. And 6 hours of Facebook outage facebook tweeted that they solved the issue on all of their apps online now.

Twitter took the Facebook outage as an opportunity.

Other social media channels also take advantage of the Facebook outage. Social media platforms like Reddit and Twitter make fun of Facebook Outage. Twitter tweeted “hello literally everyone”. In response to the Twitter tweet, most of the big companies commented on it. McDonald’s replies as “ how r u handling the fame ”. Instagram also replies to the tweet “ Hi and happy Monday ”.

Most people reply to the Twitter tweet in a funny style. Some of them make good memes and that’s how the day goes.

Loss of Facebook on this Outage

The Facebook outage definitely impact their financials. It also impacts Facebook shares. For the first time since November, Facebook’s stock plummeted down. Shares of Facebook fell 4.9%. According to some media reports around forty-four thousand crores losses in these 6 hours of massive outage. This will also be impacted Mark Zuckerberg’s revenue. His personal wealth was reduced by $6 Billion according to Bloomberg.


So this is all about Facebook Outage and related stories. From Twitter memes to the loss of Facebook. Whatever problems you get during this outage let us know in the comment section. If you are interested in the future of robots and how it’s going to impact your life you can read our blog on “ AI and it’s future in digital marketing ”.

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